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SPIDER - A RESEARCH GATHERING - with Nikolai Lesnikov

Nikolai Lesnikov will be facilitating an upcoming SPIDER movement research session informed by the practice of Open Source Forms (OSF), which offers specific methods to shed layers of held tension in the body and tap into the flow of spontaneity. Nikolai will guide all participants through an introduction to OSF and the session will allow for the timing of each individual’s process of research and integration of lived experience. We will then experiment with writing from witnessing and explore ways in which our writing can enter our process through our voice and/or as a source of scores to improvise from. There is no requirement of previous knowledge of OSF or technical dance training to participate.  

Nikolai Lesnikov is a multidisciplinary human based in Seattle. He is engaged to varying degrees with the practices of law, writing, dance, aerial, wooden flutes, singing, photography, and filmmaking. He started studying the practice of Open Source Forms (OSF) in 2012 and received his OSF teacher certification in 2017.

June 10


June 21

Fuck It We'll Do It LIVE!